I didn't get the heads for the stroker back today either ... grrrrrr so I spent the day pulling the windshield out of the Scimitar, quite a task really, I started it yesterday. I bought a box of 100 single edge razorblades, and a couple suction cups. I cut all the sealant away from the edges, shoved all the razor blades under the windshield from the inside, then went to Home Depot, picked up a couple packages of the plastic window/door shims and inserted them on top pf the razor blades .. sounds quick, but not so, that sealant is Tough, but I had to get the windshield out in tact, I'm taking it to Eaton Quade next week to make a mold off of it. I bought the stuff from Glass Technology in Colorado to try and fill the cracks myself, we'll see how that goes, but at least we will have a mold that we can make a 3/8 arcrillic windshield for if I break this one. Frankie will keep the mold on-hand so if anyone else need a windshield for one of these boats we can get one. Frankie say's we can get a hard arcrylic to build another windshied for these boats that we can still run the windshield wiper some, won't distort in 100 degree's temps, and is polishable ... we'll see.